Anatomy of a good meeting and how to eliminate horrible hybrids
With 70% of meetings keeping people from doing their day job, its important organisations understand what makes for a good meeting and how Pi, can better engage employees in today's workplace.
Although a world without meetings might sound like a dream, we can't ditch them completely. Just as the ways we work are evolving, our approach to using and holding meetings needs to develop too. If all we do is IN and shin traditional meetings into a virtual world, a real threat to productivity and motivation.
We need to understand when meetings are valuable, when they're not, and how l° make hybrid meetings work better.
Dr Nicola Millard, BT 's Principal Innovation Partner, takes us back to basics in this recent paper which explores
- current meeting challenges in a hybrid world
- alternative ways to communicate with teams
- the first steps to meeting success
- meeting facilitation
- increasing meeting participation.